Script to check the Data Guard status
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set pages 99
set lines 200
column dbid format 9999999999 heading "DbId"
column name format a9 heading "Name"
column open_mode format a21 heading "Open Mode"
column protection_mode format a20 heading "Protect Mode"
column protection_level format a20 heading "Protect Level"
column switchover_status format a18 heading "SwitchOver | Status"
column remote_archive format a8 heading "Remote|Archive"
column database_role format a16 heading "Database Role"
column flashback_on format a5 heading "Flash|Back"
column created format a19 heading "Created "
column RESETLOGS_TIME format a19 heading "Resetlogs "
column db_unique_name format a24 heading "DB Unique Name"
select dbid, db_unique_name, open_mode, database_role,
-- to_char(created, 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') created,
-- to_char(RESETLOGS_TIME, 'mm/dd/yyyy hh24:mi:ss') RESETLOGS_TIME,
protection_mode, switchover_status,
flashback_on /* 10g only */
from v$database
set lines 200
col dest_id format 99 heading "ID"
col archiver format a6 heading "Archvr"
col transmit_mode format a12 heading "Transmit|Mode"
col affirm format a3 heading "Aff"
col async_blocks format 999999 heading "Async|Blocks"
col net_timeout format 999999 heading "Network|Timeout"
col delay_mins format 999999 heading "Delay|Minutes"
col reopen_secs format 999999 heading "Reopen|Seconds"
col register format a3 heading "Reg"
col binding format a10 heading "Binding"
col dest_name format a20 heading "Dest Name"
col destination format a29 heading "Destination"
col error format a20 heading "Error"
SELECT dest_id, dest_name, status, protection_mode, destination, srl, error
FROM v$archive_dest_status
WHERE destination is not null -- and status = 'VALID'
ORDER BY dest_id;
set lines 200
col dest_id format 99 heading "ID"
col archiver format a10 heading "Archiver"
col transmit_mode format a12 heading "Transmit|Mode"
col affirm format a3 heading "Aff"
col async_blocks format 999999 heading "Async|Blocks"
col net_timeout format 999999 heading "Network|Timeout"
col delay_mins format 999999 heading "Delay|Minutes"
col reopen_secs format 999999 heading "Reopen|Seconds"
col register format a3 heading "Reg"
col binding format a10 heading "Binding"
col valid_type format a15 heading "Valid Type"
col valid_role format a12 heading "Valid Role"
col valid_now format a16 heading "Valid now?"
SELECT dest_id, archiver, transmit_mode, affirm, async_blocks,
net_timeout, delay_mins, reopen_secs, register, binding,
valid_type, valid_role, valid_now
FROM v$archive_dest
WHERE register = 'YES' OR valid_now = 'YES'
ORDER BY dest_id;
set lines 200
column status format a12
column time format a22
column SEVERITY format a13
column DEST_ID format 9999 heading "Dest| ID"
column ERROR_CODE format 99999 heading "Error| Code"
column TIMESTAMP format a20
column MESSAGE format a80 word_wrapped
column message format a93 word_wrapped
select message, timestamp
from v$dataguard_status
where severity in ('Error','Fatal')
and timestamp between systimestamp -1 and systimestamp
order by timestamp;
set lines 200
col thrd format 9999 heading "Thrd"
col almax format 9999999 heading "Last Seq|Received"
col alscn1 format 9999999999999 heading "Received|First-SCN"
col alnscn format 9999999999999 heading "Received|Next-SCN"
col lhmax format 9999999 heading "Last Seq|Applied"
col lhscn1 format 9999999999999 heading "Applied|First-SCN"
col lhnscn format 9999999999999 heading "Applied|Next-SCN"
col log1sttime format a19 heading "Received 1st Time"
col hist1sttime format a19 heading "Applied 1st Time"
col diff format 9999 heading "Diff"
select al.thrd, almax, log1sttime, alscn1, alnscn,
lhmax, hist1sttime, lhscn1, lhnscn, almax-lhmax diff
from (select thread# thrd, max(sequence#) almax, max(FIRST_CHANGE#) alscn1,
max(next_change#) alnscn, to_char(max(first_time),'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss') log1sttime
from v$archived_log
where resetlogs_change#=(select resetlogs_change# from v$database)
group by thread#) al,
(select thread# thrd, max(sequence#) lhmax, max(FIRST_CHANGE#) lhscn1,
max(next_change#) lhnscn, to_char(max(first_time),'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss') hist1sttime
from v$log_history
where first_time=(select max(first_time) from v$log_history)
group by thread#) lh
where al.thrd(+) = lh.thrd;
col name format a24
col value format a90
select name, value from v$parameter
where name ='log_archive_config' or name like 'dg_broker_%'
or name like 'fal_%'
order by name;
set feedb on