Patch Rollback or Remove steps:
1. Login in FMW installed server.
2. change directory to FMW_HOME/utils/bsu
# cd $FMW_HOME//utils/bsu
3. execute below command to remove existing bsu patch -remove -patchlist=<Patch name>-prod_dir=$FMW_Home/wlserver_10.3
Applying BSU patch:
1. Login in FMW installed server.
2. download the patch file, unzip the file, we can found a jar and xml file "Eg. XNBA.jar & patch-catalog_25461.xml" . copy jar & xml file "$FMW_HOME//utils/bsu/cache_dir"
3. change directory to FMW_HOME/utils/bsu
# cd $FMW_HOME//utils/bsu
4. execute below command to apply new bsu patch. -patch_download_dir=$FMW_Home/utils/bsu/cache_dir -prod_dir=$FMW_Home/wlserver_10.3 -patchlist=<Patch number> -verbose -install