col dbsize_mbytes for 99,999,990.00 justify right head "DBSIZE_MB"
col input_mbytes for 99,999,990.00 justify right head "READ_MB"
col output_mbytes for 99,999,990.00 justify right head "WRITTEN_MB"
col output_device_type for a10 justify left head "DEVICE"
col complete for 990.00 justify right head "COMPLETE %"
col compression for 990.00 justify right head "COMPRESS|% ORIG"
col est_complete for a20 head "ESTIMATED COMPLETION"
col recid for 9999999 head "ID"
select recid
, output_device_type
, dbsize_mbytes
, input_bytes/1024/1024 input_mbytes
, output_bytes/1024/1024 output_mbytes
, (output_bytes/input_bytes*100) compression
, (mbytes_processed/dbsize_mbytes*100) complete
, to_char(start_time + (sysdate-start_time)/(mbytes_processed/dbsize_mbytes),'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') est_complete
from v$rman_status rs
, (select sum(bytes)/1024/1024 dbsize_mbytes from v$datafile)
where status='RUNNING'
and output_device_type is not null
Query to check backup status