spool large_table_scans.txt
--Find Large Table Scans
set linesize 132
SELECT substr(table_owner,1,10) Owner,
substr(table_name,1,15) Table_Name,
size_kb, statement_count, reference_count,
substr(executions,1,4) Exec,
substr(executions * reference_count,1,8) tot_scans
FROM (SELECT a.object_owner table_owner,
a.object_name table_name,
b.segment_type table_type,
b.bytes / 1024 size_kb,
SUM(c.executions ) executions,
COUNT( DISTINCT a.hash_value ) statement_count,
COUNT( * ) reference_count
FROM sys.v_$sql_plan a, sys.dba_segments b, sys.v_$sql c
WHERE a.object_owner (+) = b.owner
AND a.object_name (+) = b.segment_name
AND b.segment_type IN ('TABLE', 'TABLE PARTITION')
AND a.operation LIKE '%TABLE%'
AND a.options = 'FULL'
AND a.hash_value = c.hash_value
AND b.bytes / 1024 > 1024
AND a.object_owner != 'SYS'
GROUP BY a.object_owner, a.object_name, a.operation, b.bytes/1024, b.segment_type
ORDER BY 4 DESC, 1, 2 );
spool off
spool large_table_scans.txt
--Find Large Table Scans
set linesize 132
SELECT substr(table_owner,1,10) Owner,
substr(table_name,1,15) Table_Name,
size_kb, statement_count, reference_count,
substr(executions,1,4) Exec,
substr(executions * reference_count,1,8) tot_scans
FROM (SELECT a.object_owner table_owner,
a.object_name table_name,
b.segment_type table_type,
b.bytes / 1024 size_kb,
SUM(c.executions ) executions,
COUNT( DISTINCT a.hash_value ) statement_count,
COUNT( * ) reference_count
FROM sys.v_$sql_plan a, sys.dba_segments b, sys.v_$sql c
WHERE a.object_owner (+) = b.owner
AND a.object_name (+) = b.segment_name
AND b.segment_type IN ('TABLE', 'TABLE PARTITION')
AND a.operation LIKE '%TABLE%'
AND a.options = 'FULL'
AND a.hash_value = c.hash_value
AND b.bytes / 1024 > 1024
AND a.object_owner != 'SYS'
GROUP BY a.object_owner, a.object_name, a.operation, b.bytes/1024, b.segment_type
ORDER BY 4 DESC, 1, 2 );
spool off