How to resolve the "The file could not be uploaded because file size is too large Issue" in OEM 12c
Step 1:
Copy the patch to the staging area.
Ex: /home/oracle/em
Step 2:
Using emcil issue the following command
cd $OMS_HOME/bin
./emcli login -username=sysman -- Supply the Sysman password
./emcli upload_patches -patch_files="/home/oracle/em/p<patch metadata>.xml;/home/oracle/em/p<patch file>.zip" -from_host=<Oms_Host Name>
Note : Patch file can be specified using colon (;) simbol.
Step 3:
Run the following emcli command(s) to check the running details of each submitted job above:
./emcli get_job_execution_detail -xml -showOutput
Step 4:
Once the above Step done. Check the Patch software in the following path of EMConsole.
Enterprise > Provisioning and Patching > Saved Patches
Step 1:
Copy the patch to the staging area.
Ex: /home/oracle/em
Step 2:
Using emcil issue the following command
cd $OMS_HOME/bin
./emcli login -username=sysman -- Supply the Sysman password
./emcli upload_patches -patch_files="/home/oracle/em/p<patch metadata>.xml;/home/oracle/em/p<patch file>.zip" -from_host=<Oms_Host Name>
Note : Patch file can be specified using colon (;) simbol.
Step 3:
Run the following emcli command(s) to check the running details of each submitted job above:
./emcli get_job_execution_detail -xml -showOutput
Step 4:
Once the above Step done. Check the Patch software in the following path of EMConsole.
Enterprise > Provisioning and Patching > Saved Patches