Please find the below query to check.
SQL>set pages 1000
SQL>set linesize 100
SQL>column APPLIED_PATCH_ID format 9999999999
SQL>column PATCH_NAME format a16
SQL>column CREATION_DATE format a16
SQL>column BUG_ID format 9999999999
SQL>column BUG_NUMBER format a16
FROM apps.ad_applied_patches where patch_name='&PatchNO'
FROM apps.ad_bugs where bug_number='&PatchNO'
If we have the patch number, we can check the patch details from below query:
To get or find out all the patch details by giving patch number as input:
SQL>SELECT to_char(r.patch_run_id) patch_run_id
, appl_top
,d.driver_file_name driver_file_name
,l.language language
,to_char(r.start_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') start_date
,to_char(r.end_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') end_date
,r.patch_top patch_top
FROM ad_appl_tops t
,ad_patch_drivers d
,ad_patch_runs r
,ad_patch_driver_langs l
WHERE t.appl_top_id = r.appl_top_id
and r.patch_driver_id = d.patch_driver_id
and l.patch_driver_id = d.patch_driver_id
and d.driver_file_name like '%&p_bug_number%'
order by r.patch_run_id
From above query, it will prompt for patch number, which we need to give as input. Please give the patch number and get all the details about that patch.
SQL>set pages 1000
SQL>set linesize 100
SQL>column APPLIED_PATCH_ID format 9999999999
SQL>column PATCH_NAME format a16
SQL>column CREATION_DATE format a16
SQL>column BUG_ID format 9999999999
SQL>column BUG_NUMBER format a16
FROM apps.ad_applied_patches where patch_name='&PatchNO'
FROM apps.ad_bugs where bug_number='&PatchNO'
If we have the patch number, we can check the patch details from below query:
To get or find out all the patch details by giving patch number as input:
SQL>SELECT to_char(r.patch_run_id) patch_run_id
, appl_top
,d.driver_file_name driver_file_name
,l.language language
,to_char(r.start_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') start_date
,to_char(r.end_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') end_date
,r.patch_top patch_top
FROM ad_appl_tops t
,ad_patch_drivers d
,ad_patch_runs r
,ad_patch_driver_langs l
WHERE t.appl_top_id = r.appl_top_id
and r.patch_driver_id = d.patch_driver_id
and l.patch_driver_id = d.patch_driver_id
and d.driver_file_name like '%&p_bug_number%'
order by r.patch_run_id
From above query, it will prompt for patch number, which we need to give as input. Please give the patch number and get all the details about that patch.