REP-58100: An error occurred starting the internal Web server at port $$Self.OHSPort$$.
Error: java.lang.NumberFormatException:For input string: "$$Self.OHSPort
Error: java.lang.NumberFormatException:For input string: "$$Self.OHSPort
We faced this error when we run the report in weblayout.
This is a plugin parameter whic should be added in rwbuilder.conf file after report builder is installed.
Solution :
1) Go the the below location u01/app/oracle/config/domain/frsdomain/config/fmwconfig/components/ReportsToolsComponent/report_server1
2) Vi rwbuilder.conf
3) Add the below parameter :
<webLayout port="9002" docroot="/u01/app/oracle/config/domain/frsdomain/servers/WLS_REPORTS/tmp/_WL_user/reports_12.2.1/5ah7s6/war"/>
4) Link for fixing the above problem.