conn / as sysdba
tti "Auditing Initialisation Parameters:"
select name || '=' || value PARAMETER
from sys.v_$parameter where name like '%audit%'
tti "Statement Audits Enabled on this Database"
column user_name format a10
column audit_option format a40
select *
from sys.dba_stmt_audit_opts
tti "Privilege Audits Enabled on this Database"
select * from dba_priv_audit_opts
tti "Object Audits Enabled on this Database"
select (owner ||'.'|| object_name) object_name,
alt, aud, com, del, gra, ind, ins, loc, ren, sel, upd, ref, exe
from dba_obj_audit_opts
where alt != '-/-' or aud != '-/-'
or com != '-/-' or del != '-/-'
or gra != '-/-' or ind != '-/-'
or ins != '-/-' or loc != '-/-'
or ren != '-/-' or sel != '-/-'
or upd != '-/-' or ref != '-/-'
or exe != '-/-'
tti "Default Audits Enabled on this Database"
select * from all_def_audit_opts
Script to know the audit information