1.1 Fixed in 12.2.7 Release
These issues have been fixed in 12.2.7 RUP, 12.2.0 CUP8 or associated patches.
Bug No | Upgrade Stage | Upgrade Script | Other References | Issue | Solution | Fixed In | ||
12.2.0 CUP Both | aprevupd.sql | Long running In particular SQLs: axtd94rppwqyd insert into AP_UPG_ DISTRIBUTIONS_BACKUP ... br1hq563h9gfu update ap_inv_dists_source set reversal_flag = null, parent_reversal_id = null where invoice_distribution_id in ... (this is the last update ap_inv_dists_source SQL in the script). Also any of other update ap_inv_dists_source statements (except 1st, 9th and 12th) | But, as more customers were reporting issue, the Bug 23210291 was opened to provide a fix in standard code. SQL to "insert into AP_UPG_ DISTRIBUTIONS_BACKUP" has been restructured and split up with more specific hints. More specific hints added to most SQLs "update ap_inv_dists_source ..." | Patch 23210291:R12.AP.C Included in 12.2.0 CUP8 | ||||
11.5.10 to 12.2.0 CUP | asoatoci.sql | File was being run although it has been replaced by ASOUTOCI.SQL. | Stubbed out. | Patch 25063540:R12.ASO.C is included in 12.2.0 CUP8. | ||||
11.5.10 to 12.2.0 CUP | oklbpapu.sql | Long running. SQLs : a3a31vj108dy4 SELECT ... FROM OKL_CNSLD_AP_INVS_ALL CIN ,AP_INVOICES_ALL APINV 2w73jxazgpdn9 UPDATE /*+ index(APINV, AP_INVOICES_N6)*/ AP_INVOICES_ALL APINV | The script was using AD parallel incorrectly. Changed structure of script so that selection by rowid is in the main c_apinv_csr loop rather than enclosed SQL. Also added hints to this cursor and changed bulkcollect cursor limit so that it includes all data in enclosed SQL (limit = 500000) rather than batch size. | Patch 24416066R12.OKL.C. Included in 12.2.0 CUP8. | ||||
11.5.10 to 12.2.0 CUP | oklbpdis.sql | Long running SQLs SELECT tap.id tap_id ,tap.khr_id khr_id, tpl.id FROM okl_trx_ap_invs_all_b tap , okl_txl_ap_inv_lns_all_b tpl UPDATE okl_txl_ap_inv_lns_all_b tpl | Script was not using AD parallel correctly. Changed structure of script to selection by rowid is in main c_tap_sel loop rather than enclosed SQL. Changed bulkcollect cursor limit so that it includes all data in enclosed SQL (limit = 500000) rather than batch size. | |||||
11.5.10 to 12.2.0 CUP | oklbpdis3.sql | Long running SQLs Cursor c_cin_csr SELECT .... FROM okl_trx_ap_invs_all_b tap, okl_ext_pay_invs_all_b xpi, okl_xtl_pay_invs_all_b xlp, AP_INVOICES_ALL apinv ... INSERT INTO okl_cnsld_ap_invs_all ... | Changed bulkcollect cursor limit so that it includes all data in enclosed SQL (limit = 500000) rather than batch size. Changed structure of SQL in cursor c_cin_csr to use WITH clause for repeated SQL. | |||||
11.5.10 to 12.2.0 CUP | oklfkeyseq.sql oklupgaccs.sql | Long running SQL: UPDATE (SELECT /*+ LEADING(ASR) */ .... FROM OKL_ACCT_SOURCES_ALL ASR, ... Originally reported on 12.1.3 in Bug 24316903 In Bug 24784652 the equivalent SQL (in OKLUPGACCS.sql) was long running. The leading and rowid hints had been put on the wrong table (asr). | Patch 24433010: Comment out this SQL in OKLFKEYSEQ.SQL. Create new file (OKLUPGACCS.sql) using AD Parallel to run this SQL. Patch 24784652: corrected hints (put on table upg). | |||||
11.5.10 to 12.2.0 CUP | oklslaupg.sql | Long running due to SQL b6ufpfddh652h INSERT INTO OKL_XLA_ACC_DATA_GT .... | Added leading(tcn) and cardinality(tcn,1) hints to encourage CBO to lead from table with rowid range scan and favour index/nested loop access. | |||||
11.5.10 to 12.2.0 CUP | okltxupg.sql | Long running SQLs. Also a SQL Trace call. | Added rowid hint to SELECT part of INSERT SQLs (where rowid hint was not present previously). Removed SQL Trace call. | |||||
11.5.10 to 12.2.0 CUP | okssrepv1.sql | Long running due to SQL Update /*+ rowid(lines) */ Okc_k_lines_b lines .... | Added hints: nl_sj index(REL OKC_CONTRACT_REL_OBJS_N2) to exists sub-query. | |||||
12.2.n RUP | pat148.odf pat149.odf | Long running: Creating indexes, that should not be created at 12.2.n RUP level (but at 12.2.0 CUP level) | Patch 25658515:R12.PA.C includes the stubbed out replacements for xdfs (pa_cost_distribution_lines_n18.xdf, pa_cost_distribution_lines_n20.xdf, pa_expenditure_items_n35.xdf, pa_expenditure_items_n36.xdf, pa_expenditure_items_n37.xdf, pa_expenditure_items_n38.xdf) Patch 21523445:R12.PA.C contains full definitions in above files. | Patch 21523445:R12.PA.C Included in 12.2.0 CUP8 Patch 25658515:R12.PA.C Included in 12.2.7 RUP | ||||
12.2.0 CUP | pybthcon.sql | Long running due to SQL: cursor csr_input_values SELECT .... FROM pay_element_types_f pet, pay_input_values_f piv WHERE .... | Altered so that uses simpler and more efficient SQL (in cursor csr_input_values0) when element_type_id is not null. Bug 23586928 suggests purging old batches before upgrade : 1)delete from pay_batch_lines where batch_id in (select batch_id from pay_batch_headers where BATCH_STATUS='T') 2)delete from pay_batch_headers where BATCH_STATUS='T' | |||||
12.2.0 CUP both | xlaaxuar_rcpt.sql | Long running SQLS: 1kw0fth2xjhyd MERGE ... INTO XLA_AE_LINES XAL ... 789t5a9f8vmx8 INSERT INTO XLA_DISTRIBUTION_LINKS ... | Added hints. | |||||
12.2.0 CUP and 12.2.n RUP | cstpost importaad.sql other xxxpost importaad.sql scripts, where xxx is the application short name. xlainaad.pkb | Long running cstpostimportaad.sql (and other xxxpostimportaad.sql scripts) due to SQLs: UPDATE xla_product_rules_b prd SET compile_status_code = 'R' .... UPDATE xla_product_rules_b prd SET compile_status_code = 'N' .... | Add leading hints to sub query in each SQL to ensure correct table order. |
1.2 Fixed in 12.2.8 Release
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