Issue : RMAN Backup Error ORA-19588: Archived Log Recid <n> Stamp <nn> Is No Longer Valid
Cause :
1. Invalid records in the controlfile
2. The rman backup job had been started TWICE.
3. Incorrect syntax
Solution :
1. Invalid records in the controlfile
RMAN> crosscheck archivelog all;
2. Make sure that concurrent backups of the archivelogs of the SAME database are not run.
3. Correct the syntax
Correct the RMAN backup command 'logically' by removing the repeated 'archivelog' keyword:
RMAN> backup archivelog until time 'sysdate -1' delete input ;
If we wish to take backup of all archivelogs, then:
RMAN> backup archivelog all delete input ;
Cause :
1. Invalid records in the controlfile
2. The rman backup job had been started TWICE.
3. Incorrect syntax
Solution :
1. Invalid records in the controlfile
RMAN> crosscheck archivelog all;
2. Make sure that concurrent backups of the archivelogs of the SAME database are not run.
3. Correct the syntax
Correct the RMAN backup command 'logically' by removing the repeated 'archivelog' keyword:
RMAN> backup archivelog until time 'sysdate -1' delete input ;
If we wish to take backup of all archivelogs, then:
RMAN> backup archivelog all delete input ;