ORA-04030: out of process memory when trying to allocate 4582743 bytes (kxs-heap-w,krvxlogact) in oracle Goldengate
In such case our extract process will not capture any data from database using either archive log or redolog.
REASON: Archived log files not getting purged properly after being used by the GoldenGate or Streams.
Then try to start capture process using force checkpoint option.
exec dbms_capture_adm.set_parameter('<capture_name>','_CHECKPOINT_FORCE','Y');
Then get the applied scn and required scn from database level using below query.
select capture_name, status, to_char(APPLIED_SCN), to_char(REQUIRED_CHECKPOINT_SCN) from dba_capture;
And alter the capture process using applied and required scn, Then start the extract process.
conn / as sysdba
capture_name => '<capture_name>',
first_scn => &SCN );
In such case our extract process will not capture any data from database using either archive log or redolog.
REASON: Archived log files not getting purged properly after being used by the GoldenGate or Streams.
Then try to start capture process using force checkpoint option.
exec dbms_capture_adm.set_parameter('<capture_name>','_CHECKPOINT_FORCE','Y');
Then get the applied scn and required scn from database level using below query.
select capture_name, status, to_char(APPLIED_SCN), to_char(REQUIRED_CHECKPOINT_SCN) from dba_capture;
And alter the capture process using applied and required scn, Then start the extract process.
conn / as sysdba
capture_name => '<capture_name>',
first_scn => &SCN );