wfbkg.sql WorkFlow BacKGround engine, starts the background engine, running for the indicated number of minutes.
wfbkgchk.sql WorkFlow Background Check. It displays a status report on background work waiting to be processed.
wfdirchk.sql WorkFlow Directoy Servoices Data Model Check
WFNLADD.sql Add missing translation rows for WF _TL tables.
wfnldat.sql Add default language data for standalone Workflow install.
wfnlena.sql Enable/disable an installed language (workflow)
wfntfsh.sql WorkFlow NoTiFication SHow status
wfprot.sql WorkFlow PROTection level reset. It resets the protection level for all objects in a specified item type to the supplied value. After resetting the protection level NOTHING in the item type will be customizable by a higher access level.
wfrefchk.sql WorkFlow Primary,Unique and Foreign Key constraint checker. It checks for all invalid workflow data that is missing primary key data for a foreign key
wfretry.sql WorkFlow Handle error'ed activity. It displays a list of errored activities for the indicated item. Type in the name of the activity, and command to skip, retry, or reset.
wfrmall.sql WorkFlow ReMove ALL. It DELETES all workflow information. ALL OF IT.
wfrmbref.sql Deletes all invalid workflow data that is missing primary key data for a foreign key
wfrmita.sql WorkFlow ReMove ITem Attribute. It deletes all workflow information for the specified item attribute.
wfrmitms.sql WorkFlow ReMove ITMeS. It removes item status information for items which match the supplied type and key patterns.
wfrmitt.sql WorkFlow ReMove ITemType. It deletes ALL workflow information for the specified item type.
wfrmtype.sql WorkFlow ReMove TYPE. It purges ALL runtime data associated with a given item type.
wfrun.sql WorkFlow RUN a process. It creates and starts the specified process.
wfstat.sql WorkFlow item STATUS report. It displays a status report on the indicated item (132 charachter output).
wfstatus.sql WorkFlow item STATUS report. It displays a status report on the indicated item (132 charachter output).
wfver.sql WorkFlow VERsion display. It displays version information for all WF source.
wfverchk.sql WorkFlow Version Check. It checks all workflow activities for potentially invalid version histories (more than one version of an activity active at any given time). Correct any errors found.