We got the below error on a active standby databse
ORA-01187: cannot read from file because it failed verification tests
ORA-01110: data file 73: '/u02/oracle/oradata/test/temp_01.dbf'
so the sloutions is as below
Drop the tempfile from the standby database:
SQL> alter database tempfile '/u02/oracle/oradata/test/temp_01.dbf' drop;
Create a new tempfile
alter tablespace TEMP add tempfile ‘/u02/oracle/oradata/test/temp_01.dbf’ SIZE 5G REUSE;
and when i tried the query again i got the same error but for another file so I dropped and recreated all the tempfiles of the Temporary tablespace temp
after recreating the tempfiles again i checked the
SQL> select file_name ,status from dbA_temp_files;
--------------------------------------------- ---------------------
/u02/oracle/oradata/test/temp_01.dbf ONLINE
/u02/oracle/oradata/test/temp_02.dbf ONLINE
/u02/oracle/oradata/test/temp_03.dbf ONLINE
/u02/oracle/oradata/test/temp_04.dbf ONLINE
/u02/oracle/oradata/test/temp_05.dbf ONLINE