ORA-04062: signature of package APPS.FND_DATE has been changed APP-FND-01926
Solution :
Oracle Doc ID 1442096.1
There is a de-synchronization in the time stamps between the package FND_DATE
and the program that called it so you need to re-synchronize all.
To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:
Stop your Midle Tier Services : adstpall.sh
1. Stop/restart the database.
2. Recreate the APPS.FND_DATE package:
From Uinx with applmgr user
cd $FND_TOP/patch/115/sql
sqlplus apps/… @AFDDATES.pls
sqlplus apps/… @AFDDATEB.pls
3. Run adadmin / Compile Apps Schema.
4. Restart your middle Tier Services : Retest the issue.