ORA-01511: error in renaming log/datafiles
ORA-01270: RENAME operation is not allowed if STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT is auto
Renaming datafile is not allowed if STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT is auto
show parameter STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT=auto
step 1:
We have change the STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT=manual
alter system set STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT=manual scope=both;
step 2:
rename the datafile
alter database create datafile '/sorahome/app/oracle/product/11204/ATLPRPD/dbs/UNNAMED.dbf' as '/s07/oradata/ATLPROD/800P_ord_data44.dbf';
step 3:
alter system set STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT=auto scope=both;
step 4:
start the MRP process
alter database recover managed standby database using current logfile disconnect from session;
step 5:
check whether MRP process started or not
ps -ef|grep mrp
ORA-01270: RENAME operation is not allowed if STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT is auto
Renaming datafile is not allowed if STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT is auto
show parameter STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT=auto
step 1:
We have change the STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT=manual
alter system set STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT=manual scope=both;
step 2:
rename the datafile
alter database create datafile '/sorahome/app/oracle/product/11204/ATLPRPD/dbs/UNNAMED.dbf' as '/s07/oradata/ATLPROD/800P_ord_data44.dbf';
step 3:
alter system set STANDBY_FILE_MANAGEMENT=auto scope=both;
step 4:
start the MRP process
alter database recover managed standby database using current logfile disconnect from session;
step 5:
check whether MRP process started or not
ps -ef|grep mrp