This is due to FRA getting full.
Find the usage by using below query
col ROUND(SPACE_LIMIT/1048576) heading “Space Allocated (MB)” format 999999
col round(space_used/1048576) heading “Space Used (MB)” format 99999
col name format a40
select name, round(space_limit/1048576) As space_limit,round(space_used/1048576) As space_used
After that please remove the archive or flash back logs to free up space.
delete archivelog until time 'SYSDATE-1';
Or decrease and increase the FRA size to remove flashback logs.
Or increase the FRA to free the archiver from errors.
Find the usage by using below query
col ROUND(SPACE_LIMIT/1048576) heading “Space Allocated (MB)” format 999999
col round(space_used/1048576) heading “Space Used (MB)” format 99999
col name format a40
select name, round(space_limit/1048576) As space_limit,round(space_used/1048576) As space_used
After that please remove the archive or flash back logs to free up space.
delete archivelog until time 'SYSDATE-1';
Or decrease and increase the FRA size to remove flashback logs.
Or increase the FRA to free the archiver from errors.