Concurrent Processing - Command-Line Utility
The command-line utility cpadmin consolidates various existing utilities for concurrent processing into a single menu-based utility that is run using a shell script,
This adadmin-style utility can be used for multiple tasks, including:
Manager Status
This option is used to view the status of concurrent managers and services.
Use this option to display running managers (with or without process IDs) or display all managers.
The same status information is shown in Administer Concurrent Managers form and OAM Concurrent Managers page.
Clean CP Tables
Use this option to clean up the concurrent processing tables. This utility replaces cmclean.sql. Use this option when the Internal Concurrent Manager (ICM) fails to start due to corrupted/conflicted tables. Note the following actions when choosing this option:
Managers must be stopped first (the utility will verify this).
Clean up inconsistencies in manager tables; remove corruption.
Reset manager states for clean start-up.
Clean and reset Advanced Queue tables for the Output Post-Processor and FNDSM Service Manager.
Reset request conflicts for the Conflict Resolution Manager (CRM).
Identify and clean orphaned requests.
This option is supported by Oracle for use on client systems.
Important: DO NOT USE the cmclean.sql script.
Set Manager Diagnostics
Turn diagnostics on or off for individual managers with this option. You can use this option to turn diagnostics on/off for specific managers without bouncing all services.
This option is available for:
Output Post-Processor
Request Processing Managers
Transaction Managers
Each option will display the current diagnostic status (ON or OFF) of the running managers/services and allow you to change the status.
Manager Control
Use this option to send a request such as start, stop, or verify to an individual manager.
Use to send a control request to a manager or service.
This option does the following:
Displays current status of all managers and processes.
Once a manager or service is chosen, offers valid control options for that specific choice.
Valid options for managers: activate, deactivate, verify, restart, abort, shut down.
Valid options for services also include: suspend and resume. Any service can be programmed to respond appropriately to each option; but if one is not, then the service will not respond.
Rebuild Manager Views
Use when Manager Views must be rebuilt.
This option rebuilds the FND_CONCURRENT_WORKER_REQUEST and FND_CONCURRENT_CRM_REQUESTS views with the following steps:
Managers must be stopped first. The utility verifies that these are stopped.
Running this option is the same action as running FNDCPBWV.
Move Request Files
Change request log and output file locations with this option.
Use to update the concurrent processing tables for changing the following values for request LOG file, OUT file, or BOTH:
Individual requests: fully qualified file name or node name
Range of requests: directory name or node name
Range of requests can be selected by minimum/maximum date or minimum/maximum request_id
Important: The cpadmin utility changes only the concurrent processing database table values to support movement. The files must be manually moved by an administrator.
Analyze Request
Use this option to analyze a concurrent request.
Use when analyzing a request for any reason. This is non-destructive.
Managers need not be shut down for this option.
This option does the following:
Checks the manager's status.
Analyzes the request's status.
Provides a detailed report on concurrent program.
Gives a detailed report on request's current status.
Running the cpadmin utility:
Set the environment.
From any directory, start cpadmin with this command:
The utility starts and prompts you for the APPS password (required).
Respond to prompts. Supply the information requested by cpadmin prompts. Prompts unique to an option are described with the option. When you complete the prompts, the Main Menu appears.
Choose one of the tasks listed above.
Exit the cpadmin utility.
Here is the menu when we run cpadmin
Copyright (c) 2015 Oracle Corporation
Redwood Shores, California, USA
Oracle E-Business Suite CP Administration
$Revision: 120.0.12020000.5 $
Logging to file /u01/applebs/EBSUATR122//fs_ne/inst/EBSUAT_ebsuite/logs/appl/conc/log/cpadmin.040320181433
Enter the password for your 'APPS' ORACLE schema:
Connecting to database...
CP Administration Main Menu
1. Administer Concurrent Managers
2. Administer Concurrent Requests
E. (E)xit CP Administration
Enter your choice: [E] : 1
Administer Concurrent Managers
1. Manager Status
- Show status of all managers
2. Clean concurrent processing tables
- Ensure concurrent processing tables are cleaned and reset for ICM startup
3. Set Manager Diagnostics
- Turn diagnostics on/off for specific managers
4. Control a manager or service
- Send a control request to a manager or service
5. Rebuild Concurrent Manager Views
- Rebuild Views for Fnd_Concurrent_Worker_Requests and Fnd_Concurrent_CRM_Requests
R. (R)eturn to previous menu
E. (E)xit CP Administration
Enter your choice: [R] : R
CP Administration Main Menu
1. Administer Concurrent Managers
2. Administer Concurrent Requests
E. (E)xit CP Administration
Enter your choice: [E] : 2
Administer Concurrent Requests
1. Analyze Concurrent Requests
- Analyze Concurrent Requests and print out details
2. Move Request Files
- Commands to change request log and output file locations
3. Choose Request Log and Out File Directory Management Option
- Commands to choose request log and out file directory management option
R. (R)eturn to previous menu
E. (E)xit CP Administration
Enter your choice: [R] :