set pagesize 1000
col name format a70
col scn format 9999999999999999999
col time format a50
select SCN,NAME,TIME,STORAGE_SIZE from v$restore_point;
shutdown immediate
startup mount
flashback the database to before deployment
rman target /
flashback database to restore point xxxxxxxxxxx;
( if you want to execute from sqlplus remove quotes and if you want to execute from rman you need quotes)
alter database open resetlogs;
drop all restore points including the one which used as restore point
set pagesize 1000
select 'drop restore point '||NAME||';' from v$restore_point;
col name format a70
col scn format 9999999999999999999
col time format a50
select SCN,NAME,TIME,STORAGE_SIZE from v$restore_point;
shutdown immediate
startup mount
flashback the database to before deployment
rman target /
flashback database to restore point xxxxxxxxxxx;
( if you want to execute from sqlplus remove quotes and if you want to execute from rman you need quotes)
alter database open resetlogs;
drop all restore points including the one which used as restore point
set pagesize 1000
select 'drop restore point '||NAME||';' from v$restore_point;