1. To determins total number of attachments per program,
SQL> select distinct program_name, count(*) from fnd_lobs group by program_name order by 2 desc;
2. To determine total number of program with Expiration Date,
SQL> select program_name,count(*) from FND_LOBS where expiration_date is not NULL group by program_name order by 2 desc;
3. To determine total number of program with no Expiration Date,
SQL> select program_name,count(*) from FND_LOBS where expiration_date is NULL group by program_name order by 2 desc;
4. To find the size of the attachments Programwise,
SQL> select program_name, count(0), round(sum((dbms_lob.getlength(FILE_DATA)-1)/1024/1024/1024),1) size_gb
from fnd_lobs group by program_name order by size_gb desc;
5. To find the size of the attachments Applicationwise,
SQL> select fa.application_name, count(0), round(sum(dbms_lob.getlength (FILE_DATA)/1024/1024/1024),1) size_gb
from fnd_lobs fl,
fnd_document_entities fde,
fnd_attached_documents fad,
fnd_documents_vl fd,
fnd_application_vl fa
where fd.media_id = fl.file_id
and fd.document_id = fad.document_id
and fl.program_name = 'FNDATTCH' ------Change this for other programs
and fad.entity_name = fde.data_object_code
and fa.application_id = fde.application_id
group by fa.application_name
order by size_gb desc;
6. To find the size of the attachmentsSize as per the Expiration Date,
SQL> select program_name,round(sum(dbms_lob.getlength (FILE_DATA))/1024/1024/1024,0) "Size(G)"
from APPS.fnd_LOBS where expiration_date is NULL group by program_name order by 2 desc;
SQL> select program_name,round(sum(dbms_lob.getlength (FILE_DATA))/1024/1024/1024,0) "Size(G)"
from APPS.fnd_LOBS where expiration_date is not NULL group by program_name order by 2 desc;
7. To find PCTVERSION of the segment,
SQL> select SEGMENT_NAME, PCTVERSION from dba_lobs where TABLE_NAME ='FND_LOBS';
8. Find which user has uploaded more attachements,
SQL> select fu.user_name, round(sum(dbms_lob.getlength(file_data)/1024/1024),0) size_mb
from fnd_documents fd, fnd_lobs fl, fnd_user fu
where fd.media_id = fl.file_id
and fl.program_name ='FNDATTCH' ------Change this for other programs
and fd.datatype_id = 6
and fu.user_id=fd.created_by
group by fu.user_name
order by 2 desc;
SQL> select distinct program_name, count(*) from fnd_lobs group by program_name order by 2 desc;
2. To determine total number of program with Expiration Date,
SQL> select program_name,count(*) from FND_LOBS where expiration_date is not NULL group by program_name order by 2 desc;
3. To determine total number of program with no Expiration Date,
SQL> select program_name,count(*) from FND_LOBS where expiration_date is NULL group by program_name order by 2 desc;
4. To find the size of the attachments Programwise,
SQL> select program_name, count(0), round(sum((dbms_lob.getlength(FILE_DATA)-1)/1024/1024/1024),1) size_gb
from fnd_lobs group by program_name order by size_gb desc;
5. To find the size of the attachments Applicationwise,
SQL> select fa.application_name, count(0), round(sum(dbms_lob.getlength (FILE_DATA)/1024/1024/1024),1) size_gb
from fnd_lobs fl,
fnd_document_entities fde,
fnd_attached_documents fad,
fnd_documents_vl fd,
fnd_application_vl fa
where fd.media_id = fl.file_id
and fd.document_id = fad.document_id
and fl.program_name = 'FNDATTCH' ------Change this for other programs
and fad.entity_name = fde.data_object_code
and fa.application_id = fde.application_id
group by fa.application_name
order by size_gb desc;
6. To find the size of the attachmentsSize as per the Expiration Date,
SQL> select program_name,round(sum(dbms_lob.getlength (FILE_DATA))/1024/1024/1024,0) "Size(G)"
from APPS.fnd_LOBS where expiration_date is NULL group by program_name order by 2 desc;
SQL> select program_name,round(sum(dbms_lob.getlength (FILE_DATA))/1024/1024/1024,0) "Size(G)"
from APPS.fnd_LOBS where expiration_date is not NULL group by program_name order by 2 desc;
7. To find PCTVERSION of the segment,
SQL> select SEGMENT_NAME, PCTVERSION from dba_lobs where TABLE_NAME ='FND_LOBS';
8. Find which user has uploaded more attachements,
SQL> select fu.user_name, round(sum(dbms_lob.getlength(file_data)/1024/1024),0) size_mb
from fnd_documents fd, fnd_lobs fl, fnd_user fu
where fd.media_id = fl.file_id
and fl.program_name ='FNDATTCH' ------Change this for other programs
and fd.datatype_id = 6
and fu.user_id=fd.created_by
group by fu.user_name
order by 2 desc;